The environment is a priority in the project

Matters related to water bodies, fish and nature values ​​play a particularly important role in project planning. Through research, we collect accurate background information on environmental values.

In the Sokli area, supplementary nature surveys have been carried out for several years, which have brought additional information about the nature values ​​of Sokli and its surroundings. We have expanded nature surveys outside the mining district as well.

We take natural values ​​into account in our operational planning and our goal is to reduce impacts on, for example, local waterways and the habitats of protected plant species.

Smaller carbon footprint with transport solutions

We are investigating an option where part of the processing of the raw material would be carried out further away from the mining area. If the raw material transported through a pipe for further processing, the carbon footprint of logistics would be reduced by more than 90 percent compared to if the transport were carried out along highways by trucks.

Raw materials are utilized to the maximum

Our goal is to make maximum use of raw materials and side streams in order to minimize the amount of waste. We have piloted the recovery of rare earth elements with various experiments and are testing and developing production methods that would make the mine's operations as efficient and sustainable as possible.

Fish and water body research

In Sokli, studies have been carried out for many years, which have accumulated information about fish stocks and fry production in the water bodies of the area. Studies have been carried out e.g. with electrotestfishing and fish cameras. We also monitor the height of the water level in both surface and groundwater utilizing continuous meters.

Plant and other nature studies

We take the area's biodiversity values into account in our operations and project planning. In addition to the plant and nature studies, we have applied for the permit of exception from the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment for Lapland (ELY Centre) for the research on the transplanting of the rare Yellow Marsh Saxifrage. The aim of the research is to collect information for the protection of the species. In the study, plant shoots would be transplanted and seed capsules would be collected and planted in a new area.

From research projects to tools for the industry

We participate in e.g. for the GoldenRAM project funded by the European Commission, which develops tools using artificial intelligence technology for the mining industry and its stakeholders. Identification of habitat types with remote sensing is being studied in Sokli. The main goal is to develop a data processing algorithm that can be used to identify and generalize the habitat types observed in the terrain to cover the entire research area.
